Thursday, 19 February 2009

folling the phlosophy project i have developed on the living farwards but understanding the past quotes.
i develoed the idea of carving in to newpapers and cuttting out arrows from newspapers. i thought about having a time line of my life with child hood photos of myself growing up.
i am now thinking of making an animation of my time line with arrows and other symbols that say 'forwards' and 'backwards' such as traficlights and road sighs. the animation will show the aroows and my childhood photos,birthcirtificates and other mile stones in my life.
i might also include text such as my birth date and frases such as 'my 1st shoes' and having a close up of my shows and then zooming out to the whole photo.

what i need to do now is to develope ideas for my animation and different ways i can show the arrows and shape the photos in to the animation.

i have also started to draw some innatations that relate to the animation like the examples below whcih i might make in to a book.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Andy sykes

andy sykes is an awrd-winning indepentent animation,illustrator and self - published author based in leeds.
He is a prevoius interactive arts student and graduated in 2004.during he's student years up to the present time he produces 2d flash animation mostly personal once about his child hood and growing up. he has producesfilms for mobil phones commissioned by the 'pocket short' scheme founded by nasta in 2005

andy is also a member of a animation network run by animatiors for animators in yorkshire and the humber .

Andy’s films have been shown on BBC2, Channel M and the Community Channel, along with festivals worldwide.

His films have won awards at Dublin's Darklight Festival and Texas' DCI Mobile Content Fest. His film 'Evil Fun With Zimmy' was shortlisted for Noise Festival in 2006, being screened at Urbis and the ICA in London.

As well as animation, Andy self-published, ' The hexjibber colouring and activity book' in 2006, which has been on sale at Amazon and independent bookshops across the UK. He produced this book for children and adults as colouring in books are maily for children but it is a relaxing past time and andy saw it as adult should be able to do it as a relaxing stress relief.
In 2007 he organized a giant interactive colouring-in-event in a shopping centre, for Leeds' pioneering cultural event, Light Night, organized by Leeds City Council. In 2008, Andy returned to Light Night with an interactive animation, made on the fly, using drawings submitted by the public.

within his persentation he showed some of his work and i fopund the short 2d animations well made and commical.the vocie over the animation fits in with the age group of the animation and it works well.

after veiwing his videos i decided to try to look at animation and work alittle bit in the animatuon room making and sequance with my arrows and photos.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

went to the cinima to see ' the curious case of benjamin button' that has been adapted from the 1920 story by F.scott fitzgerald.

a film about a baby born in his ages and ages backwards. his mother died during child birth and his farther was so scared and horrified by the look of the wricked aged baby that he left him at the steps of a old poeples homes for them to look after him.
the doctor at the house discrpeds the baby as having the simtoms of an 80 year old with atheritas and only gave the baby a few days to live. as the day went on the baby became more storng and started to look younger with each day of growing older.when the young boy was only 7 he has little hair and walked with a walking stick but still had the playful mind of an child. as the years past and benjamin got older/youngs he gets a job, falls in love, goes to war and has a child.At the end of the film you see benjamin as a 5 year old little lad with dimenta and he can't remeber anything of his life or who he is and everyone around the end he is a baby and then he closes his eyes and dies.

opinion of film..

this story is quite a sad story as he is groing younger and seeing everyone around him die and as he didn't want his wife to have to look after their child and him as he gets younger he goes away and has to miss his doughter growing up. i found that the film was to long and at parts i became unintersted in it. also as i knew what was going to hapopen it became a bit to predictible as if i new what was coming next as he gets younger.i also found that there was no real action or exitment to keep your attention it just flowed through the film at a carm peace

Friday, 6 February 2009

week update

this week i have focased more on the quote
'life must be understood backwards but it must be lives forwards'
i have collected lots of newspapers and magazines and have been experimenting it cutting them and carving in to them .. i thought about the idea out using arrows as a abvstract take on the quote and arrows going difefrent directions so i have experimented with that idea.

war musuim

arrows out of newspapers waves

time line of life

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

feed back from half year review

had a tutorial today with hazel where she went throught my work and and my journal and also the feed back that i had from the tutors and peers at the presentation.

the feed back from the journal .....

over all good work
lost of research in the source list section.. but should make a like form some of the artist to my own projects.
could contextual studies.

and committed that i need to do more work on my projects because with out that i can't really add to my journal cos it all feeds each other. so generally need to do more work.

feed back on project work ....
need to do more development and experiment more. let my self relaxe and try things out rather than trying to find a out come straight away. researtch in to paper cutters and paper sculptures such as david Mach and also john heartfield.